Take control of your data flow with Commands
Automating your day-to-day data workflows has never been easier. Outerbase Commands does the heavy lifting, letting you focus on what matters most.
Edit step
Step Type
Set up a Workflow!
Schedule trigger
Connects to existing databases
Easily setup Commands with all of your existing databases, in or outside of Outerbase.
Powered by Cloudflare
Outerbase Commands runs on Cloudflare's edge network utilzing all they have to offer.
Automated with AI
Not sure where to start? Have AI generate a Command workflow for you.
Get started with prebuilt templates

Basic starters
Get up and running fast with easy to use basics.
AI & Machine learning
Spin up simple, intelligent, AI-driven agents with ease.
Integrate with the Cloudflare products you know and love.
Extend your Commands
Utilize products from Cloudflare to unlock more for your Commands.
D1 Database
Fast, reliable serverless relational databases.
R2 Storage
Flexible S3 object storage for multicloud.
Vector databases for full-stack applications.
Workers AI
Run AI on the edge with scalable workers.
Key-Value Store
Global, low-latency key-value data storage.
Durable Objects
Low-latency API for building collaborative applications.
Reliable message queues with guaranteed message delivery.
Schedule workers for running periodic jobs.