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Automate with AI

Working with data has never been easier than with Outerbase AI. Using our AI assistant,EZQL™, you'll be able to generate queries, charts, and entire dashboards in seconds.

Outerbase AI

Easy to use AI

Chat with EZQL™

EZQL is an AI that understands your database schema. It always has access to your current structure, so you can ask questions like, "How can I optimize this query?"

Chat with EZQL™


Custom AI models

We offer personalized AI models tailored to your specific data needs. Our team can fine-tune a model exclusively for your database, ensuring privacy and optimal performance.

Custom AI models

Instant insights, powered by AI

Ai chat

Generate charts

Create beautiful data visualizations from your datasets instantly.

Generate queries

Indentifies key questions to pull valuable insights from your data.

Analyze trends

Ask EZQL™ to detect and explain trends in your data, coming soon.


A powerful AI-powered editor

The most powerful query editor available. Instantly generate queries with natural language questions, automatically fix broken queries, and optimize query results.

A powerful AI-powered editor
Space, at your fingertips

What will you discover?