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Visualize your data

Turn data into charts in seconds using your queries or simply ask AI to get thoughtful insights on what matters most.


Build fast

Self-serve analytics

Create dashboards from scratch or let AI build them for you, powered by both SQL and NoSQL queries.

Learn more about visualizing query results


Self-serve analytics

Build better dashboards



Select your chart type: bar, area, line, table, scatterplot, and more.


Update colors, legends, axis, labels to fit your brands needs.


Add data callouts to charts to easily track the important metrics.


Generative AI-powered insights

Create charts instantly from your conversations with our AI, EZQL™, refine them, and build complete dashboards from your data.

Learn more about Outerbase AI


Generative AI-powered insights

Embed anywhere

Embed our charts anywhere

Our open-source web components work with any framework or vanilla JavaScript, letting you embed charts wherever you need—without reaching for clunky iframes.

Learn more about embedding charts


Embed our charts anywhere
Space, at your fingertips

What will you discover?

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